“This is the Lamb of God”

Book IV:V

The greatest words that strike cords in people who are thinking on coming home, when the priest holds up the Eucharist and says, “This is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. Happy are those who are called to His supper.”

I just watched the encore of the Journey Home with Fr. Carl Beekman; the vocation director of the Diocese of Rockford Illnoise. He was struck by those words. I say the Lord did the “Shock and Awe” on his soul; kicked the door in and said “I AM here in the Eucharist and come and be with Me.”

He made a wonderful point to his friend who woke up and started to barbeque for lunch; Fr. Beekman; who was at the time not a Catholic; told his friend about his experience and asked since you believe Jesus is there; “why wasn’t you at Mass?”

That should be a question to all of us; if we truly believe that the Eucharist is Jesus: Body, blood, soul and divinity. He is truly present.

That is why I am so disappointed in many people; my dad, people in the parishes I go to and people I know.

When I watch Mass on EWTN every day of the week; I am trying to focus on the Mass and dad comes and sits down to eat; without thinking that this is live and it’s Holy Mass; not only that; he is butt naked too.

People at Mass dress kind of like that too; so many times I have gone to Mass and it’s been the First Holy Communion Mass and a relative of a child is dressed so horrible where her chest is open and showing. Or a woman dressed in a sports bra and Fr. allowed it; I was like, “you have to be kidding me!”

That in the Eucharist is not bread and in the chalice is not wine; it is Jesus Christ, Body, Blood, Soul, Divinity. He is Here People! Dress and act like it!

That is the Lamb of God in the tabernacle or in the Monstrance! The Lamb of God is Jesus; John proclaims when he sees Jesus coming back from the desert and says, “Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!”

Jesus is the Lamb of God; that is why we are to be dressed properly and when we enter the church; we are to be silent or if we need to ask a question; we whisper. Women are to have their veils on. We are to be silent and reverent for God but also to show respect or be respectful to everyone else who is praying; so we do not disturb them.

Jesus is the Lamb who was slain to ransom us from the grip of the devil and to offer the perfect sacrifice to God the Father to make peace with Him for the fall of Man Kind and to redeem us from our sins.

The Lamb is pure and white and through His blood we are washed clean in the Sacrament of Confession and when we enter the Church to come home to Rome; we are baptized and all our sins are washed away. After that; we go to Confession and our souls are made pure once again; through the blood of the Lamb.

God bless

Christ the Bride Groom

Book IV:IV

My dear brethren,

Christ who is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity and was with God when creation was done and before.

He who is God was invited to a wedding; a wedding where He turned water into wine; He turned water into wine; where He could of turned stone into bread.

He who instituted weddings at the beginning with Adam and Eve; was invited to a house for a wedding; He blessed it by being invited to come.

He was invited to come to a wedding and He who is the bride groom; came to a wedding.

When He was made flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary; the womb became His bridal chambers preparing Him for his wedding.

He who redeemed His bride by His blood and ransomed Her from the devil who is satan.

He from all eternity was to found a Church and the Church to be His bride and He came and ransomed Her and saved Her from the fall by His blood.

The Church is the Human Flesh that fallen into sin and by taking Human Flesh to redeem Her; and we are the Church and He is the Head of the Church; the Mystical Body.

The Mystical body of His bride.

Human flesh; is the bride of Christ; which He redeems by becoming Man and dying on the Cross.

When He was born; He was invited to a wedding; His wedding.

His wedding when He redeems Man Kind.


Offer 100 Masses for Souls in Purgatory

Some reason I am carrying on about the Souls in Purgatory and I should; all Catholics should. If we help them get into Heaven; they will help us.

I know some people who say they see their relatives; well my mom and I see my aunt; whose car I drove when I was a freshman and rolled it; but some people in Heaven saved my life; the nurses said I should be dead; well I know my aunt is trying to get us to pray for her in Purgatory and I say we need to pray for all of them in Purgatory; so they can see God face to face and not have to wait anymore.

That means the priest wears the black vestments; since it’s a Mass for the dead. I think both types of Masses; normal English Mass but with beautiful Gregorian Chant and the Latin Rite Vestments and Incense. Then the Mass for the dead; High Mass Traditional Latin Mass; no organ or english hymns; all Gregorian Chant; Incense, very reverent.

The souls in Purgatory deserve the best; because they are on their way to heaven; to be numbered among the saints; to become saints.

The layity should dress respectfully; women plain shirts and skirts and veils on their heads. Men, nice dress shirts and dress pants, no t-shirts, jeans, shorts, flip flops, tennis shoes.

When the layity goes to a Mass; I ask them to offer this intention also for the souls in Purgatory and I ask the priests and bishops and cardinals and the Pope; if he has time; to offer the special Masses for the souls in Purgatory.

I hope this request will be done for the souls in Purgatory.

God bless

The Words At the Altar

When the man is asked by the priest or deacon, “Do you take this woman to be your wife; through good times and bad, through good health and sickness, till death do you part?”

The woman is asked the same question, “Do you take this man to be your husband; through good times and bad, through good health and sickness, till death do you part?”

Now, most people today do not think about the last words; till death do you part. People want a relationship where you don’t have to trust or wait. I find it people are in such a hurry these days and if something isn’t done their way; they get upset, fight and they leave and go find someone else and they are never satisfied; because they don’t want to settle down and take it slow.

I’ve had experience in the hurry up pace when I was in high school and college; chasing girls. But when you are at such a fast pace; life passes by and you wonder where things went and what happened with the time. But, if you allow God to hop on and slow your life down; so you can hear Him; you will understand how God is first in our life always and family second and work third.

If you are single and discerning what God wants you to do; put God first, go to Him in Eucharistic Adoration; even if He is still in the tabernacle. Ask Him what do You want me to do? Just listen and be silent and He will tell you.

If you are dating or single and in college; plus working; you must always remember God is first; because we are called to “Seek the Kingdom of God first” That is in Holy Scripture. Your girl friend must be the number two; college is third and work is last. Make sure nothing becomes a false god or a idol.

When you are dating you are preparing for marriage; which means you and her must live a chaste life style and grow in your faith as Catholics. Go to the college library and do home work together; help each other on classes; when you work; you do not work for yourself but you work for God and you give this work up to God and it becomes sanctified through Him.

When the man and woman decides to get married; they must start to think about the words that will be asked to them if they can remain faithful to their spouse. “Till Death Do you part” What does that mean?

It means you die to self to serve your wife unselfishly and happily. It means to die to self to serve your children and not get upset. The wife must die to self to serve the husband and the children. The husband is the Christ figure in the family and did Christ complain on the cross? No. The husband is not to complain about serving others and becoming humble.

To complain about service and becoming humble; reminds me of the words Satan told God, “I will not serve a Man.” The true meaning of death do you part means; you give your life to protect your wife and children freely and silently as Christ did for us.

The two spouses are to die to self and serve freely without complaining and be submissive to each other as St. Paul writes and if the time comes to protect the family by taking a bullet or something; you give your life to protect those you love.


I disagree with a song

I disagree with a song by the singer and song writer Dana. She has a song called, “we are children of the world.”

But St. Jean Marie Vianney, the Cure of Ars or the Patron Saint of all priests; in his book of sermons; we are not children of the world but we are children of the Holy Ghost.

Children of the world; means we are children of the devil. Which we can not be; because by baptism; we become the adopted sons and daughters of God.

Let me tell you who is the child of the Holy Ghost and then let me tell you who is a child of the world.

I. “Without doubt, dear brethren, that Christian is a child of the Holy Ghost who avoids all greivous sins, for the Holy Ghost can only dwell in a soul which is disunited from grevious sin; He is that purest Spirit in whose eyes sin is an abomination. Therefore St. Paul writes, “Grieve not,” that is to say by sin, “the Holy Spirit of God.” (Eph. iv. 30.) Sin turns the abode of the Holy Ghost into an abode of satan. St. Gregory writes, therefore: “The sinner’s heart is the devil’s workshop, but not the dwelling of the Holy Ghost.”

It is especially the sin of impurity, whether committed by unchaste thoughts, words, or works, which drives the Holy Ghost out of our hearts, and closes against Him the entrance to our souls. “The sensual man,” writes St. Chrysostom, “can not receive the grace of the Holy Ghost.” And Holy Writ says, in expressive words, that on account of this sin the Holy Ghost can not remain in man. “My spirit,” we read, “shall not remain in man forever, because he is flesh” (Gen. vi. 3); in other words, because he is addicted to the lust of the flesh.

For this reason, dear Christians, if through a sinful life you have lost the Holy Ghost, strive by penance to purify your soul again from sin, so as to receive the Holy Ghost into your heart again. St. Peter exhorts us to do this in the words: “Do penance, and be baptized every onf you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins: and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” (Acts ii. 38.)

Reflect upon what you have lost through sin, namely, that you are no longer a child of the Holy Ghost. Let us do penance, that we may obtain the heavenly treasure again!

Without doubt, I say further, is the Christian a child of the Holy Ghost if his heart is adorned with numerous virtues. As our divine Saviour in Holy Communion enters only into a virtuous heart, and that the Christian before receiving the same should excite feelings of virtue, even so the Holy Ghost will only dwell in those souls which are adorned with these virtues; in such a soul He has an abiding dwelling place.

Just as the oil keeps the light burning, and the flame is extinguished when the oil is all used, just so is the Holy Ghost-the light and fire of the soul-preserved within us by virtue and good works.

St. Augustine, therefore, in a sermon on the feast of Pentecost, tells his listeners: “The promises of our Redeemer have been fulfilled; our Lord Jesus Christ is ascended into heaven, and the Holy Ghost has come down from heaven; there remains for us, in order that this double event be fulfilled in us, to preserve within us by a virtuous life the Holy Ghost who has descended, and by leading such life to follow Jesus Christ, who has ascended. And this virtuous life of ours should consist in a firm faith, in the hope of God’s mercy, in the love of God and our neighbor, in humility, in being at peace with our neighbors, and in piety and the fear of God, especially in purity of heart and chastity.

Where these virtues are found in the souls of Christians, there we find the true children of the Holy Ghost.

Finally, dear Christians, I say, a sure mark of a child of the Holy Ghost is borne by that one who is a child of prayer, especially when he often prays to God for the gift of the Holy Ghost. Our divine Saviour demands such a prayer from us when He says: “If you, then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father from heaven give the good Spirit to them that ask him?” (Luke xi. 13.) The Apostles serve us with an example that the heavenly Father grants the Holy Ghost to them with these words: “And I will ask the Father, and he shall give you another Paraclete, that he may abide with you forever.” (John xiv. 16.)

What, therefore, did the Apostles do when they returned to Jerusalem after the ascension of Jesus into heaven from the Mount of Olives? They adjourned to an upper room where they lived, and they all united together in prayer with Mary.

And being assembled there in the same manner, in prayer, on the feast of Pentecost, suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a mighty wind coming; and it filled the house where they were sitting, and there appeared to them parted tongues, as it were of fire; and it sat upon each of them; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they began to speak with divers tongues, according as the Holy Ghost gave them to speak. (Acts ii. 1,2.)

Should we, dear Christians, pray less than the Apostles did for the Holy Ghost and His gifts? Our holy Church imitates the Apostles in invoking God for the Holy Spirit. Through the entire week of Holy Pentecost she prays by the mouth of the priests, “Come, Holy Ghost, and visit the souls of Thy servants.” She sings that beautiful hymn, “Veni Creator Spiritus” (“Come, Creator Spirit”), that He may descend into the souls of the faithful, and enlighten them by the word of God.

Pious Christians have always prayed to the Holy Ghost for His seven gifts. A pious abbot named John cried out to his listeners in a sermon: “We will beseech God to grant us His Holy Spirit that He may fructify and refresh our hearts with the rain and dew of His grace.”

Yes, we will pray frequently for his sublime grace, and with heart and voice repeat after St. Augustine those beautiful words: “Breathe perpetually, O Holy Ghost, Thy holy work within me, that I may love upon it; move me, that I may do it; persuade me, that I may love Thee; strengthen me, that I may hold Thee fast; keep me, that I may not lose Thee!”

Truly, those who pray thus possess the Holy Ghost, and are indeed true children of the Holy Ghost.”

Now, I will tell you who is a child of the world.

II. “I say, dear Christians, that the children of the world stand in direct contrast to the children of the Holy Ghost.

The children of the world, dear Christians, are manifestly those men to whom the world is everything, to whom the world and all that it offers is of more consequence than heaven-I might say, to whom the world is their God.

To them belong those men who are attached with their whole hearts to transitory things; who make only the one effort to accumulate the treasures and wealth of this world, to become possessed of them.

Tell me, is it conceivable that such efforts could proceed from a heart filled and animated by the Holy Ghost? Does the Holy Ghost not say in Holy Writ: “If riches abound , set not your heart upon them.” (Ps. ixi. II.) Can man, then, who has sold his heart wholly and entirely to the world and its treasures and posessions, say of himself that his exertions are holy and directed to heaven?

Let the Holy Ghost, dear Christians, reign in your hearts, that he may turn them toward God and heaven, in heaven alone, where are true riches and treasures. “Seek first,” that is to say, more than all earthly things, “the kingdom of God.”

The children of this world are manifestly those persons who only strive after the joys and pleasures of this life. God has created us for heaven and its joys, “to the purchasing of salvation,” as the Apostle writes. (I. Thess. v. 9.) At the same time, He has not forbidden us the enjoyment of worldly pleasures, for St. Paul says, “Rejoice with them that rejoice.” (Rom. xii. 15.)

But God has not created us that we should enjoy solely the pleasures of the world without thinking of heavenly joys, nor strive after them, much less that we should strive for them alove. “Seek first the kingdom of God.” But, alas! how many people, how many Christian people, think only of joy, of pleasure, of the enjoyment of pleasures, and the lust of the world!

How many seek these alone, and desire to enjoy them, without thinking of the joys of heaven, or longing for them! Wordly festivities with joyful meetings, with all the pleasures of the table; worldly pleasures with rioting and debauchery; wordly feasts with music and dancing; worldly festivities on Sundays and holy days: this is what occupies the attention of so many people-their hearts desire it, without ever being satiated.

Pleasures, and still more pleasures, enjoyments on enjoyment: this is what so many people are striving for. Now tell me, dear Christians, do not all these worldly pleasures and enjoyments generally bring greivous sins in their train?

Do they not at least bury virtue beneath their pleasures, and are you not led thereby to eternal damnation? Can the Holy Ghost dwell and work in the hearts of such people, who only serve the spirit of the world?

The children of this world, I will say further, are manifestly those people who lead a tepid life, forgetful of God; in them the Holy Ghost can not be, for He is and lives only in the pious and God-fearing.

Holy Scripture says of Simeon that he was God-fearing, and it adds these words: “The Holy Spirit was in him.” (Luke ii. 25.) He was God-fearing, he was pious, as the Holy Scripture says of him. He came, as it ss further on, “in answer to the Holy Ghost,” and he had the grace to take into his arms the Infant Jesus, and he blessed God for this grace (Luke ii. 28.)

Would Simeon have had this grace if the Holy Ghost had not dwelt in him, and if he had not led a pious, God-fearing life? Can we, then, say of lukewarm Christians that within them dwells the Holy Ghost, who instils in men the virtue of the fear of God and piety; may we say that of the lukewarm Christians who does not fear God, who does not lead a pious life nor visit the temple of God frequently, who neglects his morning and night prayers, who receives the Holy Sacraments either not at all or only once a year? No, I reply, he is a child of the world, he lives only for the world, he feels no desire to do good for heaven, and for this reason that it can not be said of him, as of the pious Simeon: “The Holy Ghost is in him.”

In conclusion, those are the children of the world, and not the children of the Holy Ghost, who speak the lanuage of the children of the world, and not the lanuage of the Holy Ghost.

But what lanuage does the Holy Ghost speak?

We see this in the Holy Apostles. They are zealous to receive the Holy Ghost, who came down upon them in the form of fiery tongues, that they may speak for the holy faith; they preach virtue, they exhort to charity and peace, to mercy and justice, to chastity, and to a holy Christian life.

But what is the lanuage spoken by so many children of the world, over whom the Holy Ghost descended in the Holy Sacrament of Confirmation?

I reply, they speak the lanuage of the devil in derisive discourses on the holy faith; in unchaste conversations and stories; in curses and maledictions; in blasphmeies against God and everything that is sacred to a Christian; in slander and seducing their neighbor to do wrong.

The fiery tongue of the Holy Ghost, I might almost say, which descended upon them as it did upon the Apostles, even if invisibly, has been exchanged for the poisonous tongue of the devil, and for this reason they only speak the lanuage of the devil, and not the lanuage of the Holy Ghost.

O Christian, if your heart is so made that it only strives for the treasures and joys of the world; O Christian, if your heart is cold and lukewarm in the service of God; O Christian, if your tonuge does not speak the lanuage of the Holy Ghost, but the lanuage of the devil, ah, then, be horrified at the unhappy state of your soul-the Holy Ghost does not live and operate in your heart! On this holy festival of the Holy Ghost, therefore, life up your hands to God and pray fervently for your soul: “O my God, who hast enlightened the hearts of Thy faithful through the Holy Ghost, grant that henceforth I shall speak only in this same spirit of heavenly things, that I may pray and work only for that which is heavenly, only accumulate treasures and merits for heaven, so that I may be found worthy one day to reach there where Thee with the Holy Ghost rules on the throne of heaven for all eternity.


An Out Cry Against Abusive Relationships

I use words to cry out when something isn’t right. Today, what I saw should never happen to someone’s daughter. I was shopping with my mom and when we got our medicine; there was this young girl; maybe fresh out of high school and she was with two mexican men; one college age and other old enough to be her father. Both men looked ruff, mean and wanted one thing; to use that girl for their own sexual pleasure; which I’m sure they are doing.

I could tell right off, that the girl was there for one thing and that was birth control. It didn’t seem like she had a choice in the matter either.

What could I have done? Yes, she was talking like a salior; but I felt sorry for her and thought, “what are you doing being with these two men; who want to use you for their own pleasure? They don’t even love you and you know you can walk away from these men and tell them NO!”

When they entered the area; I did give a smile to her and she responded with a smile; which I think it helped her; to show her what it means to care for someone; even if you don’t even know them. But the two guys didn’t like that at all.

It is not right to treat a man or a woman in a way; that they are your personal slave of any kind. What is Just about it? Nothing is. This is wrong to treat another human being as a servant or slave; where you use them for your own pleasure.

But people will say, “Aren’t you slaves of the Most High God?” Yes, but that is different. We chose freely to serve Him and to Love Him; we chose to be His slave but we are also His child.

But when someone who isn’t give the chance to say Nay or Yay; then it becomes a un-justice and should be stopped at once. When someone is being used for sex; it is a un-justice to that person and their body and soul; because you destroy their soul for your own pleasure; with that; you destroy your soul too. But you use that person as a object and make him or her a object; soon you forget that they are a person like you.

No one should have to go through this. I knew one guy who was used by his roommates; because of all his money and this one girl.

She was putting up with it; by acting and speaking tough; but it’s just that; an act. Girls like this have no father figure in their life and so they go searching for a father figure; a man to love them and so they get into this type of situation; which is becoming an object and loosing their human nature to these types of men.

These women are fragile emotionally; because they long for a father figure in their life to show them what is right and wrong and teach them; but they go after these thugs; because they look and act all big and tough; but they also had no father figure in their life. Both long for a father figure or a motherly figure and they end up having sex thinking this is love; which it is not.

If they search for a true father figure; the man would be the mirror image of God the Father and love and be just like Him too. The mother or woman to enter their life; should be a mirror image of Mary on how she is the perfect mother of us all.


Pornographic Material Must Go!

I can not remain silent every day about this problem or speak when the Spirit is roaring like a Lion. Pornographic Material must go; because it is ruining the family, the marriage between man and woman and the children.

If those who cause the little children to sin; God have mercy on their souls; because Jesus spoke it black and white, “It is better for you who cause these little ones to sin, to tie a mill stone around your neck and jump into the sea; rather than being born.” Which means the punishment will be great and severe.

Our culture is going to hell in a nut basket. Why? Because everything has to be pornographic, sex on tv, sex in movies, sex in books, sex education, sex on the radio, sex on the signs on the highway, sex in the music.

I am sick and tired of it; the bishops need to be fearless than running away with tails between their legs; if no one likes what they say on this matter and denouncing this filth; who cares, so what, DEFEND THE FAITH AND PROTECT YOUR FLOCK!

Porn degrades men and women; because you are either using yourself as a object or using someone else as a object. When you masturbate, you are using yourself to fill the sexual pleasure which don’t last that long or when you use someone else or they use you to fill their pleasure; they do not love you; you don’t even love yourself.

If your parents allow porn in the house or show it and not even care about the children in the home; they are abusing you and that is not love! Your parents are to protect you the child from these wolves out there who want to eat you up.

There should be blocks of every kind to protect the family and the children; so their innocent soul is protected and if there are classmates in their class; home school your children then. I love the Benedictine way of life, prayer, work and study. They go to school in the monastery and work inside or outside and prayer right there too.

Home school should be done in a serious manner and in a prayerful manner. Each and every day should start out with Confession and Mass, Rosary and Adoration on a lunch break. You are to make the house what it truly is, a domestic church.

Porn must go and you must keep your children and family members away from it. porn is worse than the illegal drugs being brought in; because in Greek, Porn shows it’s wicked and evil head, the Devil’s pictures and videos.

The devil has effects on the brain which make you addicted to it and you can never leave it alone or try and leave it; but you are drawn back day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute; to where you are there every second of every day throwing away your life for the devil and the devil has your soul. Only way to beat it is to make amends and go to Confession. By amends I mean hard blocks to keep the page from showing.

The devil never sleeps and waits for his next prey in the high grass waiting to pounce. St. Peter tells us this in his Papal Letters in Scripture. We must be watchful as Jesus says to be. St. John tells us in his letters to test every spirit; because there is one that is Good and one that is evil.

It is better to offer up sleep and remain watchful through the night than sleep and be unprepared; I think the Cure of Ars said that; not sure. But it sounds like something he would of said. We need to be watchful and keep more vigils in prayer than we do now; so we may fight the enemy with prayer and offerings to God by sacrificing our sleep or if we do sleep; sleep on the hard floor.

Once we start doing these things and living a life like the Desert Fathers, the devil will soon pack his bags and leave; but since we have a lack of faith in him; he stays and does whatever he wants and we pay sometimes ten dollars or more to watch movies on him; especially the new one on himself.

We need to believe in him and believe he is real and that he is coming after our souls with this filth called Pornographic material and if we don’t defeat it; many souls will be in hell because of it.

God bless

The Eucharist and Sunday

My dear brethren,

on Sundays we come to Mass and also confess our sins before Mass; but what does some of you do after Mass? Go shopping? Talk inside the church where talking is not allowed; saying bad words? Why do we do this?

Because we have not the Love of God we are to have as a Catholic.

Every Sunday and Holy Day is the Day of the Lord. Where we are to stop working and relax and give thanks to Lord. We are to read Scripture, rest from work. But we can cook, we can go to plays, movies and go out to eat.

We are to give thanks to Lord for the Eucharist; which means Thanks Giving in Greek. We are to work for six days; until the time for Sunday vigil Mass on Saturday night or evening; because when it’s that time; Sunday is here.

Now my brethren,

The Eucharist must be the center of our Catholic Faith. If we could see one glimps of Jesus in the Eucharist; we would not want to leave the church where the Tabernacle is. That is why, if you work where you can see the bell tower; think of the bell tower as the Tabernacle and give thanks to Him who is in the tabernacle. If you live where you can see the bell tower; give thanks to Him.

The Holy Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. He is fully present right now in the Tabernacle who longs for you to visit Him and to tell Him how much you Love Him. Turn to where the bell tower is and say, “Jesus I love You and thank You for Your Real Presence in the Tabernacle and for allowing us to receive You hidden in the Eucharistic Species.”

Love Him who made you out of nothing. Love Him who knew you before you where created. If someone is making fun of Our Eucharistic Lord or saying it is just a symbol or a piece of bread and cup of wine; Defend the Lord.

Our Lord is always with us; even bodily form in the Tabernacle.

My Brethren,

when the priest has the host on the paten, we are to place all our works on there; so that when he offers them up to God; those works become God and become special to Him.

Offer up everything to God; so that they become God’s and so that God can make holy.

When Jesus speaks through the priest at Mass when the offering is taking place; we too place ourself in the chalice and paten; so our life becomes a gift to God and God takes our life and makes it holy.

Offer our illnesses, sufferings, injuries, works, relax time, study time, sleep time to God so God will make them holy through His hands.

The Power of the Eucharist is so great; if we all repented in confession and then had Mass right after Confession; that one Mass would make us saints; that is how powerful the Eucharist is. Because the Eucharist is God Himself.

God Himself is the Eucharist. We do know about the two disciples who went on the road where Jesus came to them and then broke bread at night. When He disappeared from them; this shows in a way how God is in the Eucharist. Even though God is in Heaven and we can’t see Him; but He is also on earth in the Tabernacle in the Eucharist. It is a mystery; our faith has a lot of mysteries; more than a good crime novel.

These mysteries keep us on our feet; because we want to know but can’t know or even wrap our brain around them; because God is pure Simplicity and we make things even harder than they should be. Jesus is God and He is in the Eucharist.

He is fully God and in Heaven but yet He is also on earth in every tabernacle. Every Eucharist is fully Jesus; when we receive a corner or end piece of the Eucharist; it’s fully Jesus.

If we can see Jesus in the Eucharist; every time we enter the church to pray or confess our sins or go to Mass; we would not want to leave but stay there with Him in prayer and adoration. So, do you believe Jesus is in the Holy Eucharist in the tabernacle?

Would you change your ways on how you act during and after Mass and watch what you say and how you dress?

I hope so; because if you don’t put fully into the Mass; then there is no way you will be changed into becoming a saint.

If you put nothing in at Mass; you won’t receive anything or get anything out of the Mass. You must be fully awake; physically and spiritually at Mass to see with the eyes of faith that Jesus is truly present on the altar at Mass and in the Tabernacle at anymoment we want to make a visit.

Open your eyes of faith and close the eyes of the world; so you may see Jesus present at Calvary, in the tomb and at the Resurrection.

God bless

We Must Be Fearless and Daring In The Faith

What did Jesus say with all His vicars on earth? “Be Not Afraid!” What does that mean or what was He talking about? We must be fearless and daring In the Faith and for the Faith.

“The blood of the Church converted the Roman Empire.” Michael Voris and “Only Heroes in Heaven.”

Those who shed their blood defending the Catholic Faith are heroes and we are called to be heroes.

Where do most of our laws come from? The Roman Empire; so basically the Roman Empire is continued here by us using some of their laws.

Abortion clinic a stone throw away from the Shrine in Mexico City for Our Lady. Three countries out of many in the European Union do not have abortion or homo-sexual marriage: Poland, Malta and Ireland. The European Union is re-writing the history to show the Church had nothing to do with it’s development or creation of what we know of Europe. Venerable Pope John Paul II said, “we should always remember the Church’s place in History.”

America, Canada, Mexico, All of South America; have abortion and homo-sexual marriage. Canada, you can be put in prison for speaking against both and same for England.

The Early Church Martyrs in Heaven would give up their crown to come down and fight the war today and show us how to fight.

We are to be Fearless and Daring; not lazy or say “not right now”. We are to defend the Faith and if we have to; shed our blood for the Church. Those who were dragged out of their houses in Rome and every where else were called Traitors for giving up the faith and handing over the books for Mass and the other prayers; we must not be called a Traitor.

We have too many Traitors in the midst of us; they do not care nor love the Church for one second. We must defend the faith with all our strength; which means loving God with our whole heart, mind and soul; not worry about who is on American Idol or Dancing with the Stars or even watching it.

How many are confirmed? I Am. What does it mean to be Confirmed? To be a soldier for Christ. Are we preparing for all the battles or are we ready for the war that will not end until the end? Do we know the enemies’ tactics and weapons? Do we know how to use our weapons and tatics?

We are not called to sit on the couch and watch reality tv shows or shows with nudity, bad lanuage, action; unless you watch the Passion of Christ or one about the Martyrs. We are not to watch Dancing With the Stars or whatever could kill or wound our soul.

We are to learn the faith so we can defend the faith and spread the faith. We are to go to confession frequently, Mass every day if we can, at least every Sunday and Holy Day. The enemy is every where using anything he can; because as it says in the book of Revelation, he knows his time is short before Christ comes again.

Be careful what you watch or play or go to. Guard your soul from the enemy.

Be ready for a fight; because the devil and his demons do not sleep, eat, take bathroom breaks or coffee or soda breaks; they keep going 24/7 365 days a year and if they get you; could be for all eternity. Be careful about your teachers, doctors, whoever; the devil does have humans working for him; I learned this from Servant of God Fr. John Hardon in his Catechism.

There will come a time when you will have to yell; Mother Angelica calls this, “Yell Theology” and Archbishop Chaput said, “Don’t hold in the Holy Spirit; let Him speak.” If He’s a roaring lion and needs to speak; be ready for the negative side effects from the people; because they may hurt you or kill you; but you are doing this for God and defending His Church.

Be fearless and daring for the Faith.

God bless

Time To Re-Think Dating and Engagement

Dating and Engagement: both are times of testing. Dating and Engagement are not times of sex or making out; but times of testing to see if the man and woman can live in a state of Grace and not in sin.

It is a time of testing to see if they truly love one another; which means if you love one another; you will not cause each other to sin by making out, having sex, other sexual acts. Should never kiss, trust me from when I dated; my first kiss made me lust after her as a object.

When you are dating, you have chosen your spouse and you learn about each other; non-physical learning; you learn about them by speaking with the family, talking to each other, praying, going to Mass, going to Confession together, going to Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction, making a Holy Hour.

You are called to be chasity; even when you are married; in another way of speaking; by not using your husband as a object and husbands you are not use your wife as objects.

You must understand something, when you are dating and engaged, you can never have sexual relations of any kind! You can not live together either!

You can’t even spend the night together! You live in seperate homes or with each other’s parents; to live a life of chasity, or if you take a road trip together, two rooms.

Dating is not about Sex or anything that leads to Sex. Engagement is not about sex and living together either. It is a time of Testing.

If you, “Joey” love “Suzy”, you would not send “Suzy” to hell by having sex with her or other sexual actions. “Suzy”, if you love “Joey”, you would not send him to hell for sexual pleasure or sex.

What is Love?

Love is getting your spouse to heaven and making sure he or she as the highest place in Heaven. That is Love.

Love is not sex or sexual pleasures or lust. Those things are not love but Mortal Sin. What is a Mortal Sin? Grave Matter or Deadly Matter. It literally kills your soul.

Don’t do it and don’t risk killing your soul. If you do this and feel sorrow; that is good; go to God in the Sacrament of Confession and confess it and never do it again; stay away from those people and those places. God knows what you have done, Confession is for you to restore your soul.

God bless