My First and Second Defense Of The Faith: Against the Gnostic Heresy That Is Part of The New Age Heresy

I ask for St. Augustine of Hippo’s Intercession and prayers while I write this:

My First Defense of the Faith: Against the Heresy of Making Man Equal With God.

Today at 12:30 pm on EWTN was a episode by Bob and Penny Lord and the show is called The Scandal of the Cross and they talked about the New Age occult being taught and how it is a form of pantheism and what I have written is my defense of the Catholic faith against this heresy of Pantheism.  This episode I say was early 1990s or mid 1990s when I was in Catechism class.

Let us start off with Scripture from the 2 Letter of St. John 2nd Letter of St. John 1:7-11 “For many deceivers have gone out into the world, men who will not acknowledge the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh; such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist.  Look to yourselves, that you may not lose what you have worked for, but may win a full reward.  Any one who goes ahead and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God; he who abides in the doctrine has both the Father and the Son.  If any one comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house or give him anything; for he who greets him shares his wicked work.”Those who teach this heresy as a priest in the Catholic Church has renounced their priestly and baptism vows of being faithful to the Pope and the bishops faithful to him as Christ’s Vicar or earthly representative on earth.

They deny the teachings of the Apostles in their letters.  By these people teaching the heresy of Pantheism or Man is equal to God; they deny God becoming Man and deny God dying for us to redeem us, they deny the rising on the third day, they deny the virgin birth, the conception by the Holy Spirit.  They deny Christ’s own teaching on the Eucharist and all His miracles done in the Gospels.  They deny the Mystical Bride and Body of Christ.  They deny the Cross.  They deny all Divine Truths revealed to us by God.

They deny all teachings and truths of the One Holy Apostolic Catholic Church.  They do not listen to the words of the Holy Father as if they were the very words of Christ Himself and deny those words and lie and make up their own words to fit their own life style of deceiving others.

Let me show what St. Paul says in his letter to the Colossians Chapter 2: Under the Firmness of the Faith and A Warning about heresy: “As therefore you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so live in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

See to it that no one makes a prey of you by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe, and not according to Christ.  For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have come to fullness of life in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.” Colossians 2:6-10 Navarre Bible

In the CCD class books; they masked this heresy so it could pass and no teacher unless he or she knew what they were looking for could find it in these books.  These books did receive the seal of approval; but there are errors in those books; according to Bob and Penny Lord.

Same with the homilies we hear today.  We must learn and know what we are listening for to unmask the heresy of Pantheism or New Age Occult.  One must be watchful and listen very well to everything. 




They try to paint Christian Contemplation in a bad light by saying Centering Prayer is Contemplation.  Centering Prayer is a Mantra and what is a Mantra?

Mantra is: “(In Hinduism- Buddhism) a sacred word or formula repeated as an incantation. 2. any often repeated word, formula, or stock phrase; slogan.” Webster’s College Dictionary.

These people who believe this, live this, and teach this; they are no longer a Catholic.  They are wolves in sheep clothing; they are hiding under their priestly clothes or religious clothes or layity clothes and their functions as a priest, religious and or layity to hide their heretical teachings and way of life.

They appear Catholic in all things but they are living and teaching a heresy. 

What they teach is rejected by the Church “Occult and superstitious practices.”  If you need to know what a “incantation” is?  Let us look at the dictionary again: ‘use of spoken or sung charms or spells as a magic ritual.”  Webster’s New Dictionary of the English Language.

It is very easy and hard to say this: God has no beginning nor end; He has been and will always be for ever.  Man was created by God in His image and likeness and Man has an end and that is death. 

God answers these questions when He questioned Job.  He asked Job, “Did you name all these stars?  did you create the oceans and the Heavens and the Universe?  Where were you when I created the earth?”

Our answers are Job’s answers, “No I was not there and no I did not create those things, You did God.”  God created everything seen and unseen.

“To deny these and all truths revealed by God to His Church is to be called an heretic.” Vatican I and all the Councils before and after.

God bless

In my last defense of the Catholic Faith against the heresy of making man equal to God; this heresy is also a cult and is used also in the new occult practice called The New Age.  They use a empty philosophy that truly led the person to hell; because their philosophy promotes the sins of each other and encourages them to keep practicing these sins.

What does St. Paul say about these empty philosophies?

He says, “See to it that no one makes a prey of you by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe, and not according to Christ.”  “For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you come to fullness of life in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.” Colossians 2:6-10

These people who claim to be Catholic but use the certain Gnostic references that use Christian wording are not Catholic.  Because they deny Jesus’ Divinity and Jesus’ humanity.  The so called “spirit” from God that possessed a human body to do the will of God and His works; is the same “spirit” that inspired these other Gnostic and other types of heretics to write their work: Mani-the man who created Manicheanism; the heresy group that St. Augustine joined growing up, Budhism; Budda and then this weird name Zerohastrin; the lead singer for Queen was a member and so which the heresy St. Augustine joined as a kid growing up; the man Mani took all these heresies and took a little bit of Christianity and mixed it all up and founded his cult and heresy. 

What do these heretics do not have?  They do not have humility but they have the pride of the devils. 

They also believe that Angels created earth and the heavens and the universe.  But, who created the Angels?

Angels and Man are created beings. 

How can they deny God?

How can they deny Jesus’ divinity and humanity?

God has always been and will always be and He will never change.  “Nature says, I am not He but He created me.”  “This is the problem with the New Age Gnostic enviromentalist cult heresy, they forget Creator but worship the created; they love the created but do not love the One who is the giver of everything.”  St. Augustine of Hippo.

By denying the humanity of Jesus; they deny the virgin birth and that Mary was conceived a virgin and remained a virgin forever.  By denying Christ’s humanity; they deny the Perpetual Virginity of Mary and without her virginity; Jesus does not come into being; because the womb of the woman had to be as pure as Jesus is to be His mother.

To deny this; they deny His death and rising from the dead; they then deny the salvation won for us by Christ’s death on the cross and His rising from the dead.  This means by them denying this Truth and all the Truths revealed by God to His Church; they deny sin, hell and the need to go to Confession and that is why the lines of Confession have become almost zero; except for a few faithful who still believe in sin, hell and the need of Confession. 

So when they deny God and believe in a weak god that Angels are higher than this god and so they deny prayer and they deny the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and so they dress and act however they want; because of their denial of faith and truth for lies. 

By this you can tell they are no longer are Catholic but members of a occult group of an ancient heresy that slaps on a new coat of paint to hide under a new name.

We must be totally aware of what is being taught by our priests, CCD teachers, layity and everyone; so we can know our faith truthfully and to be able to defend the Church against these heresies.

God bless.


This Goes With My Defenses of the Faith:

My First Defense:

This Goes With My Defense of the Faith Post

Those priests, religious and lay members that call themselves Catholic but only hide under it to do their evil deeds to drag souls into Hell; There must be also above all for them; a chance for repentance.  Here is my post from yesterday:

I defended the faith yesterday very sternly and corrected them harshly; but out of love.  Why out of love?  Because I want their hearts to open up and to see what they are doing to the little ones of God and for them to remember the words of Jesus on when He told us, “anyone who causes the little ones to sin, it is better for them to never be born or to have a mill stone wrapped around their neck and jump into the sea.”  The harshness of never be born or be tied with a mill stone and jump into the sea are for those who cause His little ones to sin. 

But, to think of their sins as too big for God to forgive is the unforgivable sin; their sins of doing this are able to be forgiven and washed away for ever.  His ocean of Mercy is endless for even the worst sinner; all they have to do is come back and ask for His Mercy and forgiveness and never practice the Occult stuff ever again.

If we never defend the faith and offer strict correction; it is like we are letting them walk off the highest cliff on earth to their death.  When we speak and offer harsh correction; we must do it out of love for their soul; so they may not be lost to eternal damnation and try and show them the correct way back to God.

It is their choice to decide; we cannot change their will for them; but we can try to show them the correct way and what they are doing is terribly wrong and dangerous physically and spiritually and emotionally. 

We must love them; as even Christ showed love to Judas and tried to win him back to the side of God by offering Judas bread and dip from Jesus’ own bowl and plate as a friendship jester; as Pope Benedict XVI writes in Jesus of Nazareth volume 2.  We are to do the same to those who are making a terrible mistake by messing around with heresies or occult practices.

Love them, pray for them, help them by correcting them, make spiritual sacrifices for them. 

God bless.

My Defense of the Faith Against the Heresy of Pantheism: Or Making Man Equal To God

Today at 12:30 pm on EWTN was a episode by Bob and Penny Lord and the show is called The Scandal of the Cross and they talked about the New Age occult being taught and how it is a form of pantheism and what I have written is my defense of the Catholic faith against this heresy of Pantheism.  This episode I say was early 1990s or mid 1990s when I was in Catechism class.

Let us start off with Scripture from the 2 Letter of St. John 2nd Letter of St. John 1:7-11 “For many deceivers have gone out into the world, men who will not acknowledge the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh; such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist.  Look to yourselves, that you may not lose what you have worked for, but may win a full reward.  Any one who goes ahead and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God; he who abides in the doctrine has both the Father and the Son.  If any one comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house or give him anything; for he who greets him shares his wicked work.”Those who teach this heresy as a priest in the Catholic Church has renounced their priestly and baptism vows of being faithful to the Pope and the bishops faithful to him as Christ’s Vicar or earthly representative on earth.

They deny the teachings of the Apostles in their letters.  By these people teaching the heresy of Pantheism or Man is equal to God; they deny God becoming Man and deny God dying for us to redeem us, they deny the rising on the third day, they deny the virgin birth, the conception by the Holy Spirit.  They deny Christ’s own teaching on the Eucharist and all His miracles done in the Gospels.  They deny the Mystical Bride and Body of Christ.  They deny the Cross.  They deny all Divine Truths revealed to us by God.

They deny all teachings and truths of the One Holy Apostolic Catholic Church.  They do not listen to the words of the Holy Father as if they were the very words of Christ Himself and deny those words and lie and make up their own words to fit their own life style of deceiving others.

Let me show what St. Paul says in his letter to the Colossians Chapter 2: Under the Firmness of the Faith and A Warning about heresy: “As therefore you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so live in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

See to it that no one makes a prey of you by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe, and not according to Christ.  For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have come to fullness of life in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.” Colossians 2:6-10 Navarre Bible

In the CCD class books; they masked this heresy so it could pass and no teacher unless he or she knew what they were looking for could find it in these books.  These books did receive the seal of approval; but there are errors in those books; according to Bob and Penny Lord.

Same with the homilies we hear today.  We must learn and know what we are listening for to unmask the heresy of Pantheism or New Age Occult.  One must be watchful and listen very well to everything. 




They try to paint Christian Contemplation in a bad light by saying Centering Prayer is Contemplation.  Centering Prayer is a Mantra and what is a Mantra?

Mantra is: “(In Hinduism- Buddhism) a sacred word or formula repeated as an incantation. 2. any often repeated word, formula, or stock phrase; slogan.” Webster’s College Dictionary.

These people who believe this, live this, and teach this; they are no longer a Catholic.  They are wolves in sheep clothing; they are hiding under their priestly clothes or religious clothes or layity clothes and their functions as a priest, religious and or layity to hide their heretical teachings and way of life.

They appear Catholic in all things but they are living and teaching a heresy. 

What they teach is rejected by the Church “Occult and superstitious practices.”  If you need to know what a “incantation” is?  Let us look at the dictionary again: ‘use of spoken or sung charms or spells as a magic ritual.”  Webster’s New Dictionary of the English Language.

It is very easy and hard to say this: God has no beginning nor end; He has been and will always be for ever.  Man was created by God in His image and likeness and Man has an end and that is death. 

God answers these questions when He questioned Job.  He asked Job, “Did you name all these stars?  did you create the oceans and the Heavens and the Universe?  Where were you when I created the earth?”

Our answers are Job’s answers, “No I was not there and no I did not create those things, You did God.”  God created everything seen and unseen.

“To deny these and all truths revealed by God to His Church is to be called an heretic.” Vatican I and all the Councils before and after.

God bless

On the Our Father Prayer

This could keep us busy for a life time or more; just reflecting on the two words of the Our Father prayer by knowing we can call God “Our Father”.  It is amazing that Jesus allows us to call His Father “Our” Father. 

What do we think of when we think of God as our own Father in Heaven?

When we think of God as Our Father; He is our Father and He does provide for us what we need; but He doesn’t always do all the work.  Sometimes He tells us what to do and gives us the tools; like Noe and the Arch; that giant ship to save the creatures and the people who loved God from the nasty flood God was sending to wipe out all the evil.  

The second time with Moses on Mount Sinai; where Moses had to write on the tablets to write down the law and the Ten Commandments. 

God told Moses how to build the box that would hold the tablets and Aaron’s staff and what materials to use and what size it should be and what type of place the box should be in.  I’m saying box because I can’t remember how to spell the name of it.

He gives us animals to eat and their hides to use as clothing or shoes or whatever.  The plants that are vegetables to eat, the fruits to eat, He gives us water to drink; loving families to take care of us; I hope; but then again for those who have to be taken from their families because of abuse; He tries to find more loving families.

He is always here taking care of us; even if we do not see Him.  To see Him; what does Jesus say? “Who has seen me; has seen the Father.” 

Does a loving father give punishment?  Yes.  Sometimes God gives punishment to help purify our souls on earth; so we can make earth our Purgatory and He also punishes the wicked; even if we don’t see it.

God loves us so much; He gave His only and begotten Son to die for us on the Cross and to suffer such horrible scourages for us.  God loves each one of us so much; He will bite and sting your conscience if you are on the path to destruction to try and wake you up and get you going back to Him.

This is Our Father and we are His adopted sons and daughters.

2. “Who art in Heaven”

What does this mean: “Who Art in Heaven?”  This means God Our Father is in Heaven.

Then some people will ask, “if God is in Heaven; how did Jesus become Man if He is God?”  Jesus never stopped being God; God humbled Himself because He loves us so much; enough to become a Man and to go through and experience what we experience.  Then He showed the greatest act of love that there is and that is dying for us and redeeming us from sin and death.

God in His size and I forget who said this: “Heaven is like His throne and earth His footstool.”

3. “Hallowed be Thy Name” 

What does this mean?  It means may God’s name be forever praised and kept sacred.  God’s name or the title “God” should never be used when cussing or cursing.  It should never be used when people go OMG! Or Oh My G*d; because it is not right nor proper to do that with the Holy Name of God; same with Jesus; it is to be kept sacred and holy; never used for evil.

When we say “God’ or Jesus; we must use it in great reverence or any work by a saint.  Why? Because that saint speaks of God and teaches us how to grow and come into being in a perfect union with God.

Forgive me for saying this; everytime I hear the name of God or “God” or Jesus being used wrongly; I want to go up and slap that person.  Even when they use the name of Mary wrongly; they should be slapped as Padre Pio slapped them.

4. “Thy Kingdom Come”

What does this mean: “Thy Kingdom Come”?  It means what it says.  We pray for the Kingdom of God to come and it will at the end; I qoute: “and I saw there coming out of the heavens, A new earth and a new heaven.” The book of Revelation. 

When we pray those words, “Thy Kingdom come.”  We want that Kingdom here and now, we want to be part of that Kingdom and we ask that the Kingdom comes now and soon.  Just like the ancient hymn of the Early days of the Church: “Come Lord Jesus come soon.” 

We want to live in that Kingdom and want it now; but we are not ready to live in that Kingdom; as St. Paul writes, “nothing unclean shall enter Heaven.”  We ourselves must be made pure to enter the Kingdom of God.  When we see an obstacle placed in our path by the evil one and he tries to tempt us away from God; we must reject it and keep moving forward towards God.

5. “Thy Will be done.”

Thy Will or His will be done.  Why His Will?  Because to do the Will of the Father is to be called brothers and sisters of Jesus.  When Jesus asks, “who is my mother, my father, my brother, my sister?” He responds, “it is the one who does the Will of my Father in Heaven.”

To do the Will of the Father; means we give up our own will or our own plans and do what God wants us to do.  Meaning, we do the vocation God has called us to and nothing else and nothing less and we do it perfectly.  To do the Will of the Father takes great humility to denounce ourself for God and to do what He wants. 

6. “On earth as it is in Heaven.”  To even do the will of the Father on earth is one thing but we must also do it in Heaven as we do it on earth.  From the Baltimore Catechism, ‘Why are we here on earth?” “To Know, to Love, to Serve God and be happy with Him for all eternity.”  When we think of servants, we think of the slavery on earth and the slaves were not free.  This type of service or slavery for God; we are free and we freely choose to be His servants but also His children.

We serve Him freely by doing His Will; which is different for all peoples and we do that vocation He called us to perfectly for Him and sacrifice whatever is needed to do that vocation.  We do this now on earth and then we do this in Heaven for all eternity; God-willing we all end up in Heaven and not hell.

7. “Give us this day our daily bread.” 

We are now asking for food to nourish us but are we asking for food that runs out or food that lasts forever?  We are asking for the Eucharist; the bread that nourishes our souls and the bread or food that nourishes the body; to keep us alive both spiritually and physically.  Mostly the Eucharistic bread or the Bread of the Angels.

If we are asking for Our Daily Bread as in the Eucharist that means we must go to daily Mass? Yes if your schedule allows it and if your boss does too.  You can also make a spiritual communion by watching the Mass on EWTN.    It was either St. John Vianney or St. Padre Pio who said this about receive Holy Communion or receiving the Spiritual Holy Communion: “When you receive the normal Holy Communion physically; you receive a gold coin but if you receive a Spiritual Communion; you receive a silver coin.” 

Our souls need to be nourished; just like the body and if we don’t nourish the soul like the body; then the soul becomes spiritually dead.  When we receive the Holy Eucharist faithfully and worthily after going to Confession; our soul is alive.  If we receive the Holy Eucharist unfaithfully and un-worthily by not going to Confession and not confessing your mortal sins; then that is two sins at once and the soul turns dark and becomes spiritually dead.  You need Confession and the Holy Eucharist to keep the soul spiritually alive and clean.

8. “Forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us.”

Another step in humility.  We beg God to forgive us our sins that we have committed against Him; but in the same way that we have forgiven those who have sinned against us.  Did we truly forgive that person or people?  or Did we fake it to get it over with?  Did we forgive totally or just a little?  How much do you want God to forgive you?  If you never forgive the person that hurt you or the other way around says St. Cyprian, then you shouldn’t pray this prayer.  Because you have not forgiven your neighbor.

If you forgave little; God will forgive you the same amount; if you forgive everything and so will God.  If you never forgave anyone or lied about it, then the words from Yesterday’s Gospel come into mind where the King threw his servant into prison because he didn’t forgive his own servant who owed him a smaller debt.  God will do the same thing and throw you into the prison until you can repay every last penny; unless you are in Hell; then you will be serving your punishment for all eternity.  Forgive whoever has injured you or done you wrong and you do the same; so you can have God’s forgiveness.

9. “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.”  One thing, does God lead us into temptation or tempt us?  No, God does not tempt us.  We should ask for the strength that this temptation may pass us by and that we don’t give in to it.  When we are faced with temptation or in a moment of temptation that we may not be able to escape; we must beg and ask God Our Father to deliver us from this evil and to protect us from it.  It could also be a type of deliverance prayer too; by asking God to deliver us from the evil one. 

God bless and Amen.

Defending The Faith

Please stick with me for a while; because this will become very painful for me with my bad right arm and there is a lot of typing to do.

Everytime I hear a Catholic say: “I really wish that the Catholic Church would revert back to the pre-Vatican II era!! There’s too much laxity and liberalism in the Catholic Church as we know it now.” If I was given a dime; I would be a millionaire.

We must get this through our thick skulls: The Church Has Never Changed!  To say it has; almost sounds like you are talking in error.  In every council of the Church; there have been groups of people set upon to destroy the Church and make up false teachings that these people say “came from these councils.”

Was the Council of Vatican II inspired by the Holy Spirit? Yes.  Why did the Church in different countries face these problems of where the churches were stripped, altar rails removed, liberalism into the seminaries, liberal bishops and liberal priests, priests and bishops teaching New Age occult, nuns throwing away their habits?  Look when the council began and ended; during the sexual revolution when people had no morals, when liberalism was running high. 

There was nothing wrong with the Council; it came at a bad time in history.  To say the Church should get back to Pre-Vatican II days is like committing a heresy.  To want the Church to go back; is a heresy; if I remember right from a program on EWTN.  The Traditions of the Church, building beautiful churches, using Latin, using the bells, incense, Gregorian Chant and the Ancient Traditional Hymns of the Church was not thrown out by Vatican II; it was thrown out by the people who decented from the Church to cause harm to the Church and spread false information about what the documents said.

If you read the documents of Vatican II; they confirmed the past Church Councils on everything; including Sacred Music and the Mass.  The Mass used at Vatican II at the council was the Extraordinary Rite or the Traditional Roman Rite Mass.

Do not get me wrong; both Masses are vaild and to deny it; is to be in error of the Church.  In one of the documents in Vatican II; they confirmed what the Council of Trent taught and brought it up to speed with everything going on in these days. 

The Church has not changed from the first council to the second Vatican council and it will be the same the Church. 

We have Catholics who are lost; because they think like: “oh I wish the Church would go back to pre-Vatican II days or you belong to the Vatican II Church.”  No, I belong to the One Holy Apostolic Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ and Peter as His Vicar on earth. 

Too many Catholics have gone astray and we must bring them back and help correct them. 

Fr. Mitch Pacaw has a dvd or cd to help explain this better:

Then a article from the Vatican top Cardinal:


On Faith and Morals

+ In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Let us talk on some more of the Teachings of the Church but to believe in them and to follow them; one must know Christ personally and we sometimes hear it in a homily at Mass, through the Scriptures; reading them in the Light of the Church, reading the books the saints wrote, trying to live the life a saint writes about that would work in a family setting or living it as a single person. Coming to be with Christ and adore Him in the Holy Eucharist, to receive Him in both species; body and blood or just body; depending what the priest gives out. Keeping our soul clean from sin; all sin by going to the Sacrament of Confession. By offering all you do and offering yourself as a spiritual Sacrifice to God; giving of your suffering to Jesus on the Cross. The best way to know Him; is by going to His mother Mary and ask her to tell you all about Jesus.

Be watchful my friends; because the devil is on the prowl for those people who are weak in faith and virtue. Our entire life on earth is a temptation as it: “Hence it is written in Job: “Man’s life on earth is a temptation.” These liberal women who want to make it pleasing to them about the word “Man” being used in everything; in Scripture when the word “Man” is used; the Scriptures are talking about Man and Woman. As I said above be watchful: “Every one, therefore, should be solicitous about his temptations, and watch in prayer, lest the devil find opportunity to catch him; who never sleepeth, but goeth about, seeking whom he may devour.”

There is no other way to go to Christ; except through His Church or have a relationship with His Church. No New Age Occult or other Occultisms will bring you to Christ; they will bring you to the ancient serpent who is called Devil or Satan who deceives people by becoming an Angel of Light to lead them astray. It is taught this in our Catholic Faith and we alone do not stand a chance against him and his demons; because they know Scripture better than anyone; except Jesus and it is with Jesus we can defeat them.

We must never forget that we are fighting a war against the powers and principalities of darkness; no human weapon will end it; but the Spiritual Weapons the Church gives to her children will; plus the help of her Immaculate Lamb the Bridegroom; Jesus Christ and the victory He won for us on the Cross.

Our intimacy must be with God alone; we must never enter into too much intimacy with a man or woman. “OPEN not thy heart to every man, but discuss thy business with one that is wise and feareth God. Be rarely with young people and strangers. Fawn not upon the rich, and be not fond of appearing in the presence of the great.

Keep company with the humble and the simple, with the devout and well-ordered, and converse of such things as are edifying. Be not an intimate of any woman; but in general commend all good women unto God.

Desire to be intimate only with God and His holy Angels; and shun the acquaintance of men. We should have charity towards all men; but intimacy is not expedient.” Thomas A Kempis on The Following of Christ.


Church Teaching:


Now, let us continue towards this other part of this writing and talking more on the Church’s Teaching; most likely you haven’t heard it or you have and forgot it.

Have you heard of In vitro fertilisation (IVF)? What is the Church’s ruling on this?

“Infertile couples sometimes resort to IVF in order to conceive a child. IVF is a laboratory technique by which human embryos are conceived in a petri dish which contains a culture medium. The woman is given hormones which stimulate her ovaries to produce up to 30 or more oocyte (ova). These are retrieved by inserting a needle into the ovaries via the vagina with ultrasound guidance. These oocyte are mixed with sperm. The sperm is obtained by masturbation and is usually donated by the husband. If the husband is infertile however, the sperm may be obtained from another man. If the women is infertile, likewise, the oocyte may be obtained from another woman, whose ovaries have been similarly stimulated. The embryos thus conceived are usually allowed to grow up to the four-to-eight-cell stage over three to four days, at which time some of the embryos are implanted in the woman’s uterus.

Embryos are sometimes implanted in the uterus other than that of the wife-a so-called “surrogate mother.” Some researchers obtain oocyte from women who donate them for financial compensation in order to conceive embryos purely for research purposes. These women are pre-selected because they are judged to have the genetic qualities most appropriate for the purpose of that specific research.

Because of the availability of new culture media, it has recently become possible to let the embryos grow for up to seven days, by which time, only the most vigorous survive. This reduces the number of embryos implanted and increases the number of successful implantations, while also reducing the number of multiple pregnancies. Note that most embryos (up to 19 out of 20), conceived in IVF clinics eventually die. If they are not implanted, they are either “donated” for research, in which case they are killed, or they are kept in cold storage in very low temperatures after which most are disposed of, or eventually die. Since frequently several embryos are implanted at one time, multiple pregnancies occur. Not infrequently, early in pregnancy, some of these embryos are killed by injection of potassium chloride into the embryo’s heart. This procedure is euphemistically called “fetal reduction.”

Catholic Church teaching
A human being comes into existence at the moment of fertilization of an oocyte (ovum) by a sperm. This fact has been recognized by the science of Human Embryology since 1883, and is still acknowledged today. The Church teaches that a human being must be respected-as a person-from the very first instant of his existence as a human being, and therefore, from that same moment, his rights as a person must be recognized among which in the first place, is the inviolable right of every innocent human being to life. The Church also teaches that from the moral point of view a truly responsible procreation vis-à-vis the unborn child, must be the fruit of marriage.

Pope Paul VI has taught that there is an “inseparable connection, willed by God, and unable to be broken by man on his own initiative, between the two meanings of the conjugal act: the unitive meaning and the procreative meaning.”

IVF violates the rights of the child: it deprives him of his filial relationship with his parental origins and can hinder the maturing of his personality. It objectively deprives conjugal fruitfulness of its unity and integrity, it brings about and manifests a rupture between genetic parenthood, gestational parenthood, and responsibility for upbringing. This threat to the unity and stability of the family is a source of dissension, disorder, and injustice in the whole of social life.

What about research on a human embryo?
The Church teaches that medical research must refrain from operations on live embryos, unless there is moral certainty of not causing harm to the life or integrity of the unborn child and mother, and on condition that the parents have given free and informed consent to the procedure. Since stem cell research on human embryos, in practice, invariably causes the death of those embryos, it too stands condemned.

In summary, the Catholic Church condemns as gravely evil acts, both IVF in and of itself, and stem cell research performed on IVF embryos.” By John B. Shea, MD FRCP
Issue: January/February 2003 The Respect of Human Life Humanae Vitae

So, why did I share this with you? You might have a daughter and son-in-law who want to have a baby but nothing is happening. When they start talking on ways to have a baby and this topic comes up of doing what the Church forbids them to do; you can explain why this is the wrong choice to make. Plus, the one thing the Church agrees on this certain topic is Natural Family Planning.

“What is natural family planning (NFP)?

NFP is a way of following God’s plan for achieving and/or avoiding pregnancy. It consists of ways to achieve or to avoid pregnancy using the physical means that God has built into human nature.

NFP consists of two distinct forms:

Ecological breastfeeding

. This is a form of child care that normally spaces babies about two years apart on the average.Systematic NFP

. This is a system that uses a woman’s signs of fertility to determine the fertile and infertile times of her cycle.Couples seeking to avoid pregnancy practice chaste abstinence during the fertile time of her cycle.”


This is the safe and secure way the Church wants the married couple to have a baby; if nothing is happening when they first tried to create one. This way you create the child naturally by the intercourse the man and wife have; the two become one flesh as it says in Scripture. We are to do all that is pleasing to God; we do not have the right do what we want to do but what we ought to do for God and what is pleasing to God.

I myself wonder what would be different if I found all these sites with Catholic Teaching back in my youth and find the sites to read books or sermons or letters by saints; but thanks be to God I found them after one year of college and now sharing them with you all.

I would like to share some pieces of Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman and then I will close this writing.

This is from his Discourse on Faith and Judgment:

“WHEN we consider the beauty, the majesty, the completeness, the resources, the consolations, of the Catholic Religion, it may strike us with wonder, my brethren, that it does not convert the multitude of those who come in its way. Perhaps you have felt this surprise yourselves; especially those of you who have been recently converted, and can compare it, from experience, with those religions which the millions of this country choose instead of it. You know from experience how barren, unmeaning, and baseless those religions are; what poor attractions they have, and how little they have to say for themselves. Multitudes, indeed, are of no religion at all; and you may not be surprised that those who cannot even bear the thought of God, should not feel drawn to His Church; numbers, too, hear very little about Catholicism, or a great deal of abuse and calumny against it, and you may not be surprised that they do not all at once become Catholics; but what may fairly surprise those who enjoy the fulness of Catholic blessings is, that those who see the Church ever so distantly, who see even gleams or the faint lustre of her {193} majesty, nevertheless should not be so far attracted by what they see as to seek to see more,—should not at least put themselves in the way to be led on to the Truth, which of course is not ordinarily recognised in its Divine authority except by degrees.”

“Many explanations may be given of this difficulty; I will proceed to suggest to you one, which will sound like a truism, but yet has a meaning in it. Men do not become Catholics, because they have not faith. Now you may ask me, how this is saying more than that men do not believe the Catholic Church because they do not believe it; which is saying nothing at all. Our Lord, for instance, says, “He who cometh to Me shall not hunger, and he who believeth in Me shall never thirst”;—to believe then and to come are the same thing. If they had faith, of course they would join the Church, for the very meaning, the very exercise of faith, is joining the Church. But I mean something more than this: faith is a state of mind, it is a particular mode of thinking and acting, which is {194} exercised, always indeed towards God, but in very various ways. Now I mean to say, that the multitude of men in this country have not this habit or character of mind. We could conceive, for instance, their believing in their own religions, even if they did not believe in the Church; this would be faith, though a faith improperly directed; but they do not believe even their own religions; they do not believe in anything at all. It is a definite defect in their minds: as we might say that a person had not the virtue of meekness, or of liberality, or of prudence, quite independently of this or that exercise of the virtue, so there is such a religious virtue as faith, and there is such a defect as the absence of it. Now I mean to say that the great mass of men in this country have not this particular virtue called faith, have not this virtue at all. As a man might be without eyes or without hands, so they are without faith; it is a distinct want or fault in their soul; and what I say is, that since they have not this faculty of religious belief, no wonder they do not embrace that, which cannot really be embraced without it. They do not believe any teaching at all in any true sense; and therefore they do not believe the Church in particular.”

“Now, in the first place, what is faith? it is assenting to a doctrine as true, which we do not see, which we cannot prove, because God says it is true, who cannot lie. And further than this, since God says it is true, not with His own voice, but by the voice of His messengers, it is assenting to what man says, not simply viewed as a man, but to what he is commissioned to {195} declare, as a messenger, prophet, or ambassador from God. In the ordinary course of this world we account things true either because we see them, or because we can perceive that they follow and are deducible from what we do see; that is, we gain truth by sight or by reason, not by faith. You will say indeed, that we accept a number of things which we cannot prove or see, on the word of others; certainly, but then we accept what they say only as the word of man; and we have not commonly that absolute and unreserved confidence in them, which nothing can shake. We know that man is open to mistake, and we are always glad to find some confirmation of what he says, from other quarters, in any important matter; or we receive his information with negligence and unconcern, as something of little consequence, as a matter of opinion; or, if we act upon it, it is as a matter of prudence, thinking it best and safest to do so. We take his word for what it is worth, and we use it either according to our necessity, or its probability. We keep the decision in our own hands, and reserve to ourselves the right of reopening the question whenever we please. This is very different from Divine faith; he who believes that God is true, and that this is His word, which He has committed to man, has no doubt at all. He is as certain that the doctrine taught is true, as that God is true; and he is certain, because God is true, because God has spoken, not because he sees its truth or can prove its truth. That is, faith has two peculiarities;—it is most certain, decided, positive, immovable {196} in its assent, and it gives this assent not because it sees with eye, or sees with the reason, but because it receives the tidings from one who comes from God.”



“This is what faith was in the time of the Apostles, as no one can deny; and what it was then, it must be now, else it ceases to be the same thing. I say, it certainly was this in the Apostles’ time, for you know they preached to the world that Christ was the Son of God, that He was born of a Virgin, that He had ascended on high, that He would come again to judge all, the living and the dead. Could the world see all this? could it prove it? how then were men to receive it? why did so many embrace it? on the word of the Apostles, who were, as their powers showed, messengers from God. Men were told to submit their reason to a living authority. Moreover, whatever an Apostle said, his converts were bound to believe; when they entered the Church, they entered it in order to learn. The Church was their teacher; they did not come to argue, to examine, to pick and choose, but to accept whatever was put before them. No one doubts, no one can doubt this, of those primitive times. A Christian was bound to take without doubting all that the Apostles declared to be revealed; if the Apostles spoke, he had to yield an internal assent of his mind; it would not be enough to keep silence, it would not be enough not to oppose: it was not allowable to credit in a measure; it was not allowable to doubt. No; if a convert had his own private thoughts of what was {197} said, and only kept them to himself, if he made some secret opposition to the teaching, if he waited for further proof before he believed it, this would be a proof that he did not think the Apostles were sent from God to reveal His will; it would be a proof that he did not in any true sense believe at all. Immediate, implicit submission of the mind was, in the lifetime of the Apostles, the only, the necessary token of faith; then there was no room whatever for what is now called private judgment. No one could say: “I will choose my religion for myself, I will believe this, I will not believe that; I will pledge myself to nothing; I will believe just as long as I please, and no longer; what I believe today I will reject tomorrow, if I choose. I will believe what the Apostles have as yet said, but I will not believe what they shall say in time to come.” No; either the Apostles were from God, or they were not; if they were, everything that they preached was to be believed by their hearers; if they were not, there was nothing for their hearers to believe. To believe a little, to believe more or less, was impossible; it contradicted the very notion of believing: if one part was to be believed, every part was to be believed; it was an absurdity to believe one thing and not another; for the word of the Apostles, which made the one true, made the other true too; they were nothing in themselves, they were all things, they were an infallible authority, as coming from God. The world had either to become Christian, or to let it alone; there was no room for private tastes and fancies, no room for private judgment. {198}”

Now my dear friends, this is what faith means and we must be watchful incase of the devil coming to devour us; we must be strong in faith and not be afraid to stand up and teach the faith. I hope the part on the Church’s teaching was good and hope you find the Papal Documents good as well.

God bless



Raymond Cardinal Burke’s Speech

Raymond Cardinal Burke’s speech

“The full speech given by Abp. Raymond Leo Burke (now Cardinal-Elect Burke) in Rome on Saturday 9th October 2010.”

The Incarnation of God: Part One

The Incarnation of Christ; when God became Man. A great mystery and truth of our Holy Faith. What happened when God became Man; He humbled Himself so much and became Man to redeem us.

Man caused the fall and Man shall redeem. No mere Man could go through what it took to redeem us and God knew it all long and had in His plans that He will become a Man.

This drove the soon to be bad angels nuts; because they are higher than Man but Man can do something no angel could ever do: Receive the Body and Blood of Christ and have a open loving relationship with God as Father.

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God; The Word is God and came to bring light into the darkness. The light is God; because God is pure spirit and that is fully light.

In the beginning before creation; He already had in mind the way of redemption before anything happened. His thought was on Himself; because God is eternal and so His thought had to be eternal and on Himself; which brings the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity and with the Spirit between The Creator, The Word; is the Spirit that came between them; but God is always One but has three divine Persons; The Father and Son are so closely and joined perfectly; if you could see it in a model or a object; you would think there is One; which there is. The Holy Spirit is the love between God the Father and God The Son; which flow from the Father to the Son by the Thought of God.

Now, God becoming Man was the only way we could be redeemed. To have any other man redeem Man could not be; because when Man fell from the share of the Divine Life of God or having no Sanctifying Grace in their soul and the stain of Original Sin. Only Two people through out all of Redemption History who were born free from Sin: Mary and Jesus.

That is why God had to become a man; to come down from His mighty throne and walk among us and experience everything we have to experience; sickness, injuries, hardships, being tired, going to the bathroom.

God wanted to make sure that we would know that we are not alone and think God doesn’t know what is going on in my life; but He does; because He walked on the earth and became Man and was born in the cold dead of night of winter.

When God became Man; even before; right after the fall; Redemption History began. Because God told the snake or devil that the Woman and her offspring; which is God; would strike at the devil’s heal.

God became Man to show His Mercy and Love to us and to help us come to know Him better and how to get to Heaven. God showed us His love and Mercy by dying on the Cross and founding the Church and the Seven Sacraments.

To show our love to God; is to follow His Commandments and to love one another as He has loved us. Even when God became Man and ascended back into Heaven; we are to carry on and do His Will on earth; we are to prepare and as Fr. Mitch says it, “We are the people selling Salvation and God is the Store Manager.” Yes, we are in the bussiness of saving souls but there are those who chose hell and are afraid to go to Heaven.

We are not to damn souls but we are to save souls through the God-Man; without Him; we can do nothing and through Him; we can do everything and greater works than those He did 2000 years ago.

He does not want us to worry on small things or vanity things; but we are to worry on Spiritual things; when we do not practice our faith; we should be worried for the souls who come closer to death or could be on the death bed and they do not even know it; which we are all on and we must be filled with courage in this time of the world; where the world will hate us, kill us, imprison us and beat us; but; that is the price of Christian Witness of the God-Man; He gave His life for us and we are called to give our life for Him.

God bless

Proof That God Is Real

Let us look at St. Augustine and then I will talk afterward.

“Do not go outside yourself but turn back within. Truth dwells in the inner self. And if you find your nature given to frequent change, go beyond yourself. Move on, then, to that source where the light of reason itself receives its light.” On True Religion.

Now, I will talk on this subject and will build on from St. Augustine’s short reading and meditation.

In the world we want to find Truth and Truth is God and we look to the things outside ourself and we become led astray into different occults or we even are led so far astray; we leave and forget about God rather than moving toward Him in searching for Him.

When we turn into self and look inward; we find Truth; because in our soul; we find the Blessed Trinity and the Blessed Trinity is God in His three divine Persons.

God created us with a body and soul; with the soul our body is capable of moving and we are capable of being a live Spiritually and Literally.

God lives in our soul and if you haven’t been baptized but there is something called Baptism by desire. Means you desire to be Baptized and so you are baptized. I do not know if this is for the living or the people who are dying; I know the dying can be baptized by the desire.

Which means you are cleaned from the stain of Original Sin from our first parents: Adam and Eve and it also removes Mortal Sin. Now, babies only have the stain of Original Sin.

What if you aren’t Christian and you don’t believe in God? Yes very hard indeed but not impossible. Even though you do not believe in God or think there isn’t a God; the effect of God is there; because nothing can not create nothing; no matter how you look at it.

God is spirit and when God created everything out of nothing; He had the One Thought and His Only Word is God as it says in St. John’s Gospel. God spoke that Word; that thought/ word are so closely perfectly fitted together and that is the Second Person and the spirit between the two is the Holy Spirit. God spoke His Only Word and the universe, heaven and the angels were created out of nothing.

We were created out of nothing and God gave us body and soul. When you say you don’t believe God is real or you are angered at God.

He does not change and what you are angry at; is truths that are revealed but you do not know them or the rules given by God which you think go against your freedom. But your freedom doesn’t come from you but from God.

He gives you your rights, freedom. He gives you Free Will; which means you can choose to love God and to serve Him or you can say no and do evil.

Which is what St. Augustine talked about; we look outward and chose our own way and we are led astray into evil and when we turn inward we find Truth; because God is in our soul and God created us and is Our Father.

I wanted to touch on this reading from St. Augustine one more time or many times if I need to. Blessed Cardinal Newman said in his rules for writing a sermon; keep repeating and keep writing to make it easier for the reader or hearer to understand it. That is what I am going to try to do.

In Holy Writ or Holy Scripture; Jesus gives us the example of looking inward for Truth; because he told the tax collector and told the Apostles, “Whoever sees me, sees the Father.” To us Christians; that is true; because when we are baptized and confirmed; the Trinity is in us and living. So, God is within us. Now to those who do not believe in God or says there is no God; but yet they live a respectable life and stay out of trouble and what we would call mortal sin.

How or why are they living a respectable life; when they believe this is it and nothing is there when they die?

They could be living like a Rock Star to experience what it’s like or someone with fame; but they are living a life style God would be proud of. How?

They could have children and the children wake up the people and make them grow up and be mature; instead of acting like children or the mom and dad getting upset; but the children teach the parents how to act. The mother becomes like Christ; when that baby barely moves and she is there to take care of him or her; Jesus does the same thing; when we barely move; He’s there to take care of us and check on us.

So, the children are showing the examples of who God is and who God accepts into the Kingdom of Heaven.

The child teaches the parent; to be a parent like God; teaching the parent to have that sense when she or he is moving and be right there in hurry to check on them.

God is a parent and He does when we are in trouble, sick, hurt and most of all when we call on Him. He is also the Creator of everything,

Now, what if the non-believers don’t have children yet but are still living a life God would be proud of?

How did Christ show His love for us and His bride? By giving Himself up freely and dying for us all; including His bride. Do you think the husband would not die for his wife to protect her? Do you think the wife would not die for her husband?

One of the greatest acts of love; is giving up of yourself to die for those you love. Which Jesus did for His bride; the Church. Husbands are to be Christ-Like and do this if time comes for it and also should the wife if the husband is the one needing protection.

Both love each other and they would never think of cheating and always submissive to each other; as St. Paul writes that husbands and wives should be.

They maybe unbelievers but when it comes down to protecting the one you love or taking care of your child; you learn about God in a real way; by imitating Him when He’s on the Cross and God as a parent checking on His children.

You never look outward for the truth but you always look inward; because you feel the burning deep inside when you look at your child or when you rush in to take care of him or her. But also when the love of your life is being threatened and you jump in and take the bullet for her; so that she may live and raise the children. You know God more than you ever thought; by imitating what He told us to imitate of Him.

God bless

Proof of God’s Exsistence

St. Thomas Aquinas gave us many principles of God’s exsistence, the Early Church Fathers gave us another great examples or principles for God’s exsistence.

First let us look at Thomas Aquinas:

“Article 1. Whether the existence of God is self-evident?
Objection 1. It seems that the existence of God is self-evident. Now those things are said to be self-evident to us the knowledge of which is naturally implanted in us, as we can see in regard to first principles. But as Damascene says (De Fide Orth. i, 1,3), “the knowledge of God is naturally implanted in all.” Therefore the existence of God is self-evident.

Objection 2. Further, those things are said to be self-evident which are known as soon as the terms are known, which the Philosopher (1 Poster. iii) says is true of the first principles of demonstration. Thus, when the nature of a whole and of a part is known, it is at once recognized that every whole is greater than its part. But as soon as the signification of the word “God” is understood, it is at once seen that God exists. For by this word is signified that thing than which nothing greater can be conceived. But that which exists actually and mentally is greater than that which exists only mentally. Therefore, since as soon as the word “God” is understood it exists mentally, it also follows that it exists actually. Therefore the proposition “God exists” is self-evident.

Objection 3. Further, the existence of truth is self-evident. For whoever denies the existence of truth grants that truth does not exist: and, if truth does not exist, then the proposition “Truth does not exist” is true: and if there is anything true, there must be truth. But God is truth itself: “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6) Therefore “God exists” is self-evident.

On the contrary, No one can mentally admit the opposite of what is self-evident; as the Philosopher (Metaph. iv, lect. vi) states concerning the first principles of demonstration. But the opposite of the proposition “God is” can be mentally admitted: “The fool said in his heart, There is no God” (Psalm 52:1). Therefore, that God exists is not self-evident.

I answer that, A thing can be self-evident in either of two ways: on the one hand, self-evident in itself, though not to us; on the other, self-evident in itself, and to us. A proposition is self-evident because the predicate is included in the essence of the subject, as “Man is an animal,” for animal is contained in the essence of man. If, therefore the essence of the predicate and subject be known to all, the proposition will be self-evident to all; as is clear with regard to the first principles of demonstration, the terms of which are common things that no one is ignorant of, such as being and non-being, whole and part, and such like. If, however, there are some to whom the essence of the predicate and subject is unknown, the proposition will be self-evident in itself, but not to those who do not know the meaning of the predicate and subject of the proposition. Therefore, it happens, as Boethius says (Hebdom., the title of which is: “Whether all that is, is good”), “that there are some mental concepts self-evident only to the learned, as that incorporeal substances are not in space.” Therefore I say that this proposition, “God exists,” of itself is self-evident, for the predicate is the same as the subject, because God is His own existence as will be hereafter shown (3, 4). Now because we do not know the essence of God, the proposition is not self-evident to us; but needs to be demonstrated by things that are more known to us, though less known in their nature — namely, by effects.

Reply to Objection 1. To know that God exists in a general and confused way is implanted in us by nature, inasmuch as God is man’s beatitude. For man naturally desires happiness, and what is naturally desired by man must be naturally known to him. This, however, is not to know absolutely that God exists; just as to know that someone is approaching is not the same as to know that Peter is approaching, even though it is Peter who is approaching; for many there are who imagine that man’s perfect good which is happiness, consists in riches, and others in pleasures, and others in something else.

Reply to Objection 2. Perhaps not everyone who hears this word “God” understands it to signify something than which nothing greater can be thought, seeing that some have believed God to be a body. Yet, granted that everyone understands that by this word “God” is signified something than which nothing greater can be thought, nevertheless, it does not therefore follow that he understands that what the word signifies exists actually, but only that it exists mentally. Nor can it be argued that it actually exists, unless it be admitted that there actually exists something than which nothing greater can be thought; and this precisely is not admitted by those who hold that God does not exist.

Reply to Objection 3. The existence of truth in general is self-evident but the existence of a Primal Truth is not self-evident to us.

Article 2. Whether it can be demonstrated that God exists?
Objection 1. It seems that the existence of God cannot be demonstrated. For it is an article of faith that God exists. But what is of faith cannot be demonstrated, because a demonstration produces scientific knowledge; whereas faith is of the unseen (Hebrews 11:1). Therefore it cannot be demonstrated that God exists.

Objection 2. Further, the essence is the middle term of demonstration. But we cannot know in what God’s essence consists, but solely in what it does not consist; as Damascene says (De Fide Orth. i, 4). Therefore we cannot demonstrate that God exists.

Objection 3. Further, if the existence of God were demonstrated, this could only be from His effects. But His effects are not proportionate to Him, since He is infinite and His effects are finite; and between the finite and infinite there is no proportion. Therefore, since a cause cannot be demonstrated by an effect not proportionate to it, it seems that the existence of God cannot be demonstrated.

On the contrary, The Apostle says: “The invisible things of Him are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made” (Romans 1:20). But this would not be unless the existence of God could be demonstrated through the things that are made; for the first thing we must know of anything is whether it exists.

I answer that, Demonstration can be made in two ways: One is through the cause, and is called “a priori,” and this is to argue from what is prior absolutely. The other is through the effect, and is called a demonstration “a posteriori”; this is to argue from what is prior relatively only to us. When an effect is better known to us than its cause, from the effect we proceed to the knowledge of the cause. And from every effect the existence of its proper cause can be demonstrated, so long as its effects are better known to us; because since every effect depends upon its cause, if the effect exists, the cause must pre-exist. Hence the existence of God, in so far as it is not self-evident to us, can be demonstrated from those of His effects which are known to us.

Reply to Objection 1. The existence of God and other like truths about God, which can be known by natural reason, are not articles of faith, but are preambles to the articles; for faith presupposes natural knowledge, even as grace presupposes nature, and perfection supposes something that can be perfected. Nevertheless, there is nothing to prevent a man, who cannot grasp a proof, accepting, as a matter of faith, something which in itself is capable of being scientifically known and demonstrated.

Reply to Objection 2. When the existence of a cause is demonstrated from an effect, this effect takes the place of the definition of the cause in proof of the cause’s existence. This is especially the case in regard to God, because, in order to prove the existence of anything, it is necessary to accept as a middle term the meaning of the word, and not its essence, for the question of its essence follows on the question of its existence. Now the names given to God are derived from His effects; consequently, in demonstrating the existence of God from His effects, we may take for the middle term the meaning of the word “God”.

Reply to Objection 3. From effects not proportionate to the cause no perfect knowledge of that cause can be obtained. Yet from every effect the existence of the cause can be clearly demonstrated, and so we can demonstrate the existence of God from His effects; though from them we cannot perfectly know God as He is in His essence.

Article 3. Whether God exists?
Objection 1. It seems that God does not exist; because if one of two contraries be infinite, the other would be altogether destroyed. But the word “God” means that He is infinite goodness. If, therefore, God existed, there would be no evil discoverable; but there is evil in the world. Therefore God does not exist.

Objection 2. Further, it is superfluous to suppose that what can be accounted for by a few principles has been produced by many. But it seems that everything we see in the world can be accounted for by other principles, supposing God did not exist. For all natural things can be reduced to one principle which is nature; and all voluntary things can be reduced to one principle which is human reason, or will. Therefore there is no need to suppose God’s existence.

On the contrary, It is said in the person of God: “I am Who am.” (Exodus 3:14)

I answer that, The existence of God can be proved in five ways.

The first and more manifest way is the argument from motion. It is certain, and evident to our senses, that in the world some things are in motion. Now whatever is in motion is put in motion by another, for nothing can be in motion except it is in potentiality to that towards which it is in motion; whereas a thing moves inasmuch as it is in act. For motion is nothing else than the reduction of something from potentiality to actuality. But nothing can be reduced from potentiality to actuality, except by something in a state of actuality. Thus that which is actually hot, as fire, makes wood, which is potentially hot, to be actually hot, and thereby moves and changes it. Now it is not possible that the same thing should be at once in actuality and potentiality in the same respect, but only in different respects. For what is actually hot cannot simultaneously be potentially hot; but it is simultaneously potentially cold. It is therefore impossible that in the same respect and in the same way a thing should be both mover and moved, i.e. that it should move itself. Therefore, whatever is in motion must be put in motion by another. If that by which it is put in motion be itself put in motion, then this also must needs be put in motion by another, and that by another again. But this cannot go on to infinity, because then there would be no first mover, and, consequently, no other mover; seeing that subsequent movers move only inasmuch as they are put in motion by the first mover; as the staff moves only because it is put in motion by the hand. Therefore it is necessary to arrive at a first mover, put in motion by no other; and this everyone understands to be God.

The second way is from the nature of the efficient cause. In the world of sense we find there is an order of efficient causes. There is no case known (neither is it, indeed, possible) in which a thing is found to be the efficient cause of itself; for so it would be prior to itself, which is impossible. Now in efficient causes it is not possible to go on to infinity, because in all efficient causes following in order, the first is the cause of the intermediate cause, and the intermediate is the cause of the ultimate cause, whether the intermediate cause be several, or only one. Now to take away the cause is to take away the effect. Therefore, if there be no first cause among efficient causes, there will be no ultimate, nor any intermediate cause. But if in efficient causes it is possible to go on to infinity, there will be no first efficient cause, neither will there be an ultimate effect, nor any intermediate efficient causes; all of which is plainly false. Therefore it is necessary to admit a first efficient cause, to which everyone gives the name of God.

The third way is taken from possibility and necessity, and runs thus. We find in nature things that are possible to be and not to be, since they are found to be generated, and to corrupt, and consequently, they are possible to be and not to be. But it is impossible for these always to exist, for that which is possible not to be at some time is not. Therefore, if everything is possible not to be, then at one time there could have been nothing in existence. Now if this were true, even now there would be nothing in existence, because that which does not exist only begins to exist by something already existing. Therefore, if at one time nothing was in existence, it would have been impossible for anything to have begun to exist; and thus even now nothing would be in existence — which is absurd. Therefore, not all beings are merely possible, but there must exist something the existence of which is necessary. But every necessary thing either has its necessity caused by another, or not. Now it is impossible to go on to infinity in necessary things which have their necessity caused by another, as has been already proved in regard to efficient causes. Therefore we cannot but postulate the existence of some being having of itself its own necessity, and not receiving it from another, but rather causing in others their necessity. This all men speak of as God.

The fourth way is taken from the gradation to be found in things. Among beings there are some more and some less good, true, noble and the like. But “more” and “less” are predicated of different things, according as they resemble in their different ways something which is the maximum, as a thing is said to be hotter according as it more nearly resembles that which is hottest; so that there is something which is truest, something best, something noblest and, consequently, something which is uttermost being; for those things that are greatest in truth are greatest in being, as it is written in Metaph. ii. Now the maximum in any genus is the cause of all in that genus; as fire, which is the maximum heat, is the cause of all hot things. Therefore there must also be something which is to all beings the cause of their being, goodness, and every other perfection; and this we call God.

The fifth way is taken from the governance of the world. We see that things which lack intelligence, such as natural bodies, act for an end, and this is evident from their acting always, or nearly always, in the same way, so as to obtain the best result. Hence it is plain that not fortuitously, but designedly, do they achieve their end. Now whatever lacks intelligence cannot move towards an end, unless it be directed by some being endowed with knowledge and intelligence; as the arrow is shot to its mark by the archer. Therefore some intelligent being exists by whom all natural things are directed to their end; and this being we call God.

Reply to Objection 1. As Augustine says (Enchiridion xi): “Since God is the highest good, He would not allow any evil to exist in His works, unless His omnipotence and goodness were such as to bring good even out of evil.” This is part of the infinite goodness of God, that He should allow evil to exist, and out of it produce good.

Reply to Objection 2. Since nature works for a determinate end under the direction of a higher agent, whatever is done by nature must needs be traced back to God, as to its first cause. So also whatever is done voluntarily must also be traced back to some higher cause other than human reason or will, since these can change or fail; for all things that are changeable and capable of defect must be traced back to an immovable and self-necessary first principle, as was shown in the body of the Article.”

Let us look at St. Augustine and then I will talk afterward.

“Do not go outside yourself but turn back within. Truth dwells in the inner self. And if you find your nature given to frequent change, go beyond yourself. Move on, then, to that source where the light of reason itself receives its light.” On True Religion.

Now, I will talk on this subject and will build on from St. Augustine’s short reading and meditation.

In the world we want to find Truth and Truth is God and we look to the things outside ourself and we become led astray into different occults or we even are led so far astray; we leave and forget about God rather than moving toward Him in searching for Him.

When we turn into self and look inward; we find Truth; because in our soul; we find the Blessed Trinity and the Blessed Trinity is God in His three divine Persons.

God created us with a body and soul; with the soul our body is capable of moving and we are capable of being a live Spiritually and Literally.

God lives in our soul and if you haven’t been baptized but there is something called Baptism by desire. Means you desire to be Baptized and so you are baptized. I do not know if this is for the living or the people who are dying; I know the dying can be baptized by the desire.

Which means you are cleaned from the stain of Original Sin from our first parents: Adam and Eve and it also removes Mortal Sin. Now, babies only have the stain of Original Sin.

What if you aren’t Christian and you don’t believe in God? Yes very hard indeed but not impossible. Even though you do not believe in God or think there isn’t a God; the effect of God is there; because nothing can not create nothing; no matter how you look at it.

God is spirit and when God created everything out of nothing; He had the One Thought and His Only Word is God as it says in St. John’s Gospel. God spoke that Word; that thought/ word are so closely perfectly fitted together and that is the Second Person and the spirit between the two is the Holy Spirit. God spoke His Only Word and the universe, heaven and the angels were created out of nothing.

We were created out of nothing and God gave us body and soul. When you say you don’t believe God is real or you are angered at God.

He does not change and what you are angry at; is truths that are revealed but you do not know them or the rules given by God which you think go against your freedom. But your freedom doesn’t come from you but from God.

He gives you your rights, freedom. He gives you Free Will; which means you can choose to love God and to serve Him or you can say no and do evil.

Which is what St. Augustine talked about; we look outward and chose our own way and we are led astray into evil and when we turn inward we find Truth; because God is in our soul and God created us and is Our Father.

God bless