Raymond Cardinal Burke’s Speech

Raymond Cardinal Burke’s speech

“The full speech given by Abp. Raymond Leo Burke (now Cardinal-Elect Burke) in Rome on Saturday 9th October 2010.”

The Words At the Altar

When the man is asked by the priest or deacon, “Do you take this woman to be your wife; through good times and bad, through good health and sickness, till death do you part?”

The woman is asked the same question, “Do you take this man to be your husband; through good times and bad, through good health and sickness, till death do you part?”

Now, most people today do not think about the last words; till death do you part. People want a relationship where you don’t have to trust or wait. I find it people are in such a hurry these days and if something isn’t done their way; they get upset, fight and they leave and go find someone else and they are never satisfied; because they don’t want to settle down and take it slow.

I’ve had experience in the hurry up pace when I was in high school and college; chasing girls. But when you are at such a fast pace; life passes by and you wonder where things went and what happened with the time. But, if you allow God to hop on and slow your life down; so you can hear Him; you will understand how God is first in our life always and family second and work third.

If you are single and discerning what God wants you to do; put God first, go to Him in Eucharistic Adoration; even if He is still in the tabernacle. Ask Him what do You want me to do? Just listen and be silent and He will tell you.

If you are dating or single and in college; plus working; you must always remember God is first; because we are called to “Seek the Kingdom of God first” That is in Holy Scripture. Your girl friend must be the number two; college is third and work is last. Make sure nothing becomes a false god or a idol.

When you are dating you are preparing for marriage; which means you and her must live a chaste life style and grow in your faith as Catholics. Go to the college library and do home work together; help each other on classes; when you work; you do not work for yourself but you work for God and you give this work up to God and it becomes sanctified through Him.

When the man and woman decides to get married; they must start to think about the words that will be asked to them if they can remain faithful to their spouse. “Till Death Do you part” What does that mean?

It means you die to self to serve your wife unselfishly and happily. It means to die to self to serve your children and not get upset. The wife must die to self to serve the husband and the children. The husband is the Christ figure in the family and did Christ complain on the cross? No. The husband is not to complain about serving others and becoming humble.

To complain about service and becoming humble; reminds me of the words Satan told God, “I will not serve a Man.” The true meaning of death do you part means; you give your life to protect your wife and children freely and silently as Christ did for us.

The two spouses are to die to self and serve freely without complaining and be submissive to each other as St. Paul writes and if the time comes to protect the family by taking a bullet or something; you give your life to protect those you love.
